In primary school, children additionally study
A fairy tale
They read fairy tales, learn to analyze, define the morality of a fairy tale, draw episodes from a fairy tale by developing their imagination, changing the ending of a fairy tale, developing their creative abilities.
They study myths about flora and fauna, developing worldview, visual thinking. They learn and stage profound fables by mastering their morality.
Theatre club
Children’s acting and creative abilities are being developed. They play games that promote concentration, pantomime. Fables and fairy tales are being staged.
Folk song, dance
They learn patriotic and camping songs, study the best works of composers and folk music. They master national dances by getting acquainted with the history of the origin of their varieties.
Children learn to liven the felt in their hands, creating interesting, colorful characters. Knowing this traditional Armenian craft develops children’s imagination, creative abilities, contributes to psychological relaxation.
The more languages you know, the more you are human, and knowing the language of the enemy is also a strategy ․ Every Armenian must realize that we have territorial and historical problems with our neighbors that must be solved. Knowing the language of the other person at the negotiating table is one of the most important weapons.
Recognition of the homeland
Along with improving the map knowledge of the regions of the Republic of Armenia, children master the traditional stories and stories about historical and cultural places. Then patriotic and naturalistic expeditions are organized to those places. To love means to know.
Theatre club
The students study the secrets of speech culture, the history of cinema, the activities of famous actors and directors and they also stage small-scale works.
In secondary school, children improve the felting techniques and are able to create nature images, cartoon characters, brooches, etc.
Folk song, dance
They learn patriotic and camping songs, study the best works of composers and folk music. They master national dances by getting acquainted with the history of the origin of their varieties.
High school
The education is carried out in the following disciplinary flows: natural sciences and political science, with the necessary preparatory programs to apply for the university and group classes according to the preferences. Particular attention is paid to advanced foreign language teaching and cultural education.
Since secondary school, according to the curriculum chronology, the students read historical novels, biographies of famous people, the best works of world literature, analyze them and develop an individual attitude towards the problems and issues expressed in those books.
Art history
The famous works of different genres of art are studied, the viewing-discussions of films about artists and their works are being organized by developing aesthetic taste perception of art.
World perception
Students learn to analyze historical patterns, make political analysis, form an idea about world religions, cultural peculiarities.
Folk song, dance
They learn patriotic and camping songs, study the best works of composers and folk music. They master national dances by getting acquainted with the history of the origin of their varieties.